All donations to Dawn of Creations will go towards the production of Part II: Descent into Xibalba, to be followed by Part III: Quest for Fire, and concluding with New Conquista.

Hard Cover
A new, richly illustrated translation of the Popol-Wuh: Wisdom of the Peoples begins with Part 1: Dawn of Creations which chronicles the first attempts by the Creator Gods to bring forth humanity, the “human design,” beginning with the First Creation of the World, the Failure of the Mud People, the Rise and Fall of the Wooden People, and the tragedy of the Seven-Macaw Family.

Read by the author himself, you can hear the oral tradition of the Popol-Wuh come to life in this astounding recording of Dawn of Creations, which was produced at Los Olivos Recording Studios in Woodland Hills, California, 2017.

Soft Copies
Younger readers will love the soft cover extracts of the Popol-Wuh in abridged form—a great way to introduce kids of all ages into the epic narrative of the Popol-Wuh as Wisdom of the Peoples. The first part Dawn of Creations is available in four parts which highlight the Failure of the Mud People, the Rise and Fall of the Wooden People, and the tragedy of the Seven-Macaw Family.

Enjoy the Popol-Wuh: Dawn of Creations in all your mobile devices and online readers. Enhanced with animations and special effects, catch its cinematic experience right off the page!
Be part of a book with the potential to change the world
All contributions go to finance the production of the complete epic
of the Popol-Wuh as the Wisdom of the Peoples.
Los Angeles
San Fernando Valley
Los Angeles, California
New York
Golden Records
New York, New York
Centro América
Museo del Popol Vuh
Ciudad de Guatemala